[Company Logo Image] Kites Theatre Group

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Latest News

This is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first.

September 2024- We announced our Panto for 2025 will be - Cinderella 2 Magic and Mischief  Panto 2025

August 2023- We announced our Panto for February 2024 will be - Dick Whittington Panto 2024

November 2022 - Tickets now on sale for our 2023 Pantomime - Kites-Through the Decades Past and Present Panto 2023

December 2021 - Tickets now on sale for our 2022 Pantomime - Puss in Boots Panto 2022

October 2020 - Announced the cancellation of our 2021 Pantomime due to Covid-19 Panto 2021

October 2019 - Added the details of our 2020 Pantomime Panto 2020

October 2018 - Added the details of our 2019 Pantomime Panto 2019

August 2015 - Added the details of the 2015 Carnival (our float won first prize by the way!) Carnival 2015

November 2014 - Added the details of the 2015 Pantomime :- Panto 2015 

July 2013 - Added the details of the 2014 Pantomime :- Panto 2014

November 2012 - Details of the 2013 Pantomime added here:- Panto 2013

February 2012 - Kites Pantomime at Compass Point, Heaviley :-Panto 2012

July 2011 -Kites take part in Stockport Carnival. Have a look here:- Carnival 2011

February 2011 - Kites Pantomime at St. Mary's Church Hall, Reddish:-Panto 2011

July 2010 -Kites take part in Stockport Carnival. Have a look here:- Carnival 2010

July 2009 -Kites take part in Stockport Carnival. Have a look here:- Carnival 2009

July 2008 -Kites take part in Stockport Carnival. Have a look here:- Carnival 2008


Send mail to admin@kitesgroup.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: September 2024