Founders’ Day

Our Founders’ day service led by Stuart Dean was held on Sunday 12th June at 2:30pm. This was followed by a Jubilee Celebratory afternoon tea. Thank you to all involved.

Weekly Events Page Updated

We have just updated our weekly events page to give you more information about our regular meetings. On this page you will also find the contact numbers for more information.

Knit and Natter – 10th Anniversary

The Knit and Natter group are celebrating their tenth Anniversary (a year late due to Covid) and are preparing a display showing examples of some of the work they have produced over the years for the various charities they have supported.

You are invited to join them on April 5th from 2pm, to view their work and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Their chosen charity for this year is ‘Kidney Research’. Please come along to join them to celebrate and also to support this year’s chosen charity.

Well done to all the ladies who have produced and sold their work to support the many charities over the years. All of whom will have been very grateful for your donations. Congratulations also on all the lovely ‘Christmas Trees’ you have decorated for the annual St George’s Church Christmas Tree Festival, enjoyed by many visitors.

Service time change

Following the successful trial of the change in the start time of our services, it has now been decided that we will revert to the normal 2:30pm start from Sunday 6th March 2022. The change allowed our members to travel home in daylight rather than in the dark but with the change to BST approaching it is now light until after 4pm.

The winter time plan may return next winter- watch this space!

Christmas Fair

We have decided that there will be a Christmas Fair this year on Saturday November 13th from 10-30am to 1-30pm. This will be a slightly reduced format but still with many of your favourite stalls and refreshments available. Very sorry that Father Christmas will not be in attendance this year – but maybe next year!

Re-opening Service

We were pleased to welcome our congregation back into the building today for a service of Thanksgiving. Great to see everyone in person and to be able to sing together. The service was led by the inspectors; Stuart Dean, Walter Stead, Judith Higgins and Norman Sellers and the organ played by Kenneth Dean.

Founders’ Day

Thanks to everyone who attended our first service at Compass Point since the start of the Pandemic on Sunday June 27th – Founders’ Day.

The service was conducted on the car park and the weather was kind to us.